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Spread Passion @ge over the world! D-STANDARD Inc.


Spread Passion @ge over the world!

What's new!!
news 2014/06/25NEW
Our English website released.
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P@'s SEE
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Blog written by Tomohiro Koseki, CEO of D-STANDARD Inc.

CompanyD-STANDARD Inc. Company
Access, a summery of company, and words of CEO.
ServicesD-STANDARD Inc. Services
Introduction of 4 main projects.

Our MAGIC BOOK 7 Abilities of P@ Tour Karin in D-STANDARD
This shows our belief, vision and long-range plan. Our important elements to reach to the dream. This tour is to make P@'s dreams came true. Why don't you climb it together?

D-STANDARD Inc. Information
Message of Personnel Manager Policy of D-STANDARD
What do you want to challenge? Give it a try together! This page shows our belief.
Our Company P@ and Works
What is D-STANDARD? Who are we? We introduce ourselves.

Please know our employees, “P@”, and what their works are.

Environment Internship
There are lots of IT companies. What's the difference between them and us? Through this internship, you can see what working is and IT industry.
Employment Principle Personnel Information
Policy of hiring of new graduates and mid-career recruiting. Application form of recruiting is here. Join us!

D-STANDARD Inc. Topics
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